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Private Telehealth Appointments
All services are provided securely and in compliance with HIPAA regulation through teleconferencing. During our sessions, we can create opportunities for healing knowing Telehealth is safe and has a secure connection that is private and confidential. It creates an ease of booking appointments to fit in your schedule and lifestyle.
Fill out your information below and I will be in touch ASAP to schedule your session.
Contact me to find
your way to a happier emotional outcome
Who I Help
I specialize in various areas of treatment. I treat adults, adolescents and seniors. Diagnosis of mental illness, PTSD, trauma and general therapy are among my services. For a complete list of services, click here.
How I Do It
Help and healing begins through conversation. In your Free Initial Consultation, we can discuss your issues and determine the best actions and therapies based on desired outcomes.
What's in It for You
You are not alone. It is always my goal that clients experience happy and fulfilling lives and that they have the knowledge and skills to function in their everyday life. What's in it for you? A happier and balanced life with the skillset to cope with life's challenges.